What's their age, sex, profession, income level, educational level and residence? 了解他们的年龄,性别,职业,收入水平,教育程度,以及居住地等。
If your goal is to reach a certain income level in your business and the competition is cutting prices, you could develop a new product line to gain the edge. 如果你的目标是在行业中达到某个收益水平,可是竞争却在减价,你就应该开发一条新的生产线以获得你的优势。
Studies considered factors such as education level, income level, gender, and physical health, but the results were consistent. 这些研究考虑了诸如教育、收入、性别和身体健康等多方面的因素,但结果都是一致的。
It depends a lot on income level. 这很大程度上取决于收入水平。
The price of housing has deviated the income level of many common people seriously. 房子的价格已经严重偏离了平常人的收入水平。
These are cost-effective, common-sense measures that are within the reach of every country, regardless of income level. 这些措施是具有成本效益的常识性措施,每个国家,无论其收入水平如何都能做到。
The factors of cognition are including different year, counties, sex, degree of education and income level; 新农合认知程度的影响因素包括不同年份、县市、性别、文化程度、收入水平;
We present descriptive data stratified by age, sex, income level and rural versus urban residence. 并且按年龄、性别、收入水平以及城乡居民进行分类,提供描述性的数据。
Resident income: Income level of urban and rural residents increased rapidly. 居民收入:城乡居民收入水平较快增长。
So how can you be happier, no matter what your income level? 那么,不论收入多少要如何更快乐呢?
The income level should be taken as the exclusive standard that differentiate the middle-income group from the other groups. 应该把收入水平作为中等收入者的唯一划分标准;
These recommendations are applicable for all older adults irrespective of gender, race, ethnicity or income level. 这些建议适用于所有老年人(不分性别、人种、民族或收入水平)。
What is your monthly income level? 请问你的每月薪金水平是甚麽?
College costs have been rising gradually relative to family income level for more than twenty years. 二十多年来,相对于家庭收入水平,上大学的费用一直在逐步提高。
It also sets a minimum income level for the relative in France to ensure the person arriving has enough financial support. 它也规定了对在法国的移民亲属的最低收入水平,确保移民有足够的资金支持。
In Keynesian economics, a country's short-term balanced employment and income level depend on effective demand, while effective demand is formed by consumption demand and investment demand. 摘要在凯恩斯的经济学说中,一国短期的均衡就业量和收入水平,决定于有效需求,而有效需求又是由消费需求和投资需求构成的。
One aspect of living standards in which Japan lays behind its national income level relative to other developed nations is housing. 日本同其它发达国家比较,在生活水平上落后于它的国民收入水平的一个方面是住房。
In the process of forecasting, the different requirements such as time, costs, and comfort of different income level of passengers are considered through establishing a broad function of time. 在预测过程中,通过建立广义时间函数,充分考虑了不同收入层次旅客在时间、费用、舒适度上的不同需求。
An inverse association was found between country income level and the availability gap between groups of medicines, particularly in the public sector. 此外,国家收入水平和两组药品的可获得性差距之间存在负相关,特别是在公立部门。
There is ample evidence that social factors, including education, employment status, income level, gender and ethnicity have a marked influence on how healthy a person is. 大量证据证明,个人的健康程度如何在很大程度上受到社会因素的左右,包括教育、就业状况、收入水平、性别和种族。
And achieve what income level to just calculate the middle class, different period, different country and area have different level again. 而达到什么收入水平才算中产阶级,不同时期、不同国家和地区又有不同标准。
Higher income level might be one of the major reasons enticing talents to seek for overseas employment. 更高的收入水平可能是一个主要的原因,诱使着人才寻找海外的就业机会。
At the same time, must in the existing income level, through the system mechanism reform and the policy adjustment, the demand which suppresses will be released; 一方面,要在现有收入水平上,通过体制机制改革和政策调整,将被抑制的需求释放出;
In the meantime, in our country reality national condition falls, the income level of national official still cannot raise due level, finite to the burden ability of medical treatment charge. 同时,在我国现实国情下,国家公务员的收入水平还不能提高到应有的水平,对医疗费用的负担能力有限。
Second industry is leading one of economy in our country, labor income level of which is important reflection of initial distribution. 第二产业是我国经济的主导产业,其劳动报酬水平是初次分配福利水平的重要体现。
It analyzed the main factors such as the energy price ratio, energy consumption cost, energy selection, technical progress, income level, energy usage habit and environmental protection. 分析了能源比价关系、耗能成本、能源选择性、技术进步、收入水平和用能习惯、环保因素等影响我国居民生活用能的主要因素。
Ireland has boomed from investment inflows and now has a per-capita income level higher than Great Britain or France. 爱尔兰由于投资的涌入而繁荣起来,并且它现在的人均收入水平已经高于英国或法国。
With the continuous growth of income level and constant changes of consumption structure, urban residents ′ cultural consumption shows some new characteristics. 随着收入水平的不断增长与消费结构的不断变化,我国城镇居民的文化消费呈现出一些新的特点。
Pension coverage increases with income level. 养老金的覆盖面随收入水平的提高而扩大。
The study has found that the tendency of their settling down in the urban areas largely depended on the difference of living cost and income level between urban and rural areas. 研究表明,城乡生活成本的差距和城乡收入水平的高低决定着农民工定居城市成为市民的倾向;